The critically-acclaimed Pantaloons Theatre Company presents a brand-new adaptation of Charles Dickens’ fantastical festive fable.
It’s Christmas Eve and tight-fisted Ebenezer Scrooge is meaner than ever. He is shunning his only living relative, underpaying his clerk and refusing to acknowledge the plight of the poor… but will timely visits from the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future change his miserly ways before it’s too late?
Performed by a multi-talented cast in The Pantaloons’ own inimitable, hilarious and moving style this show features live music, audience interaction and absolutely no humbug!*
*There may be some humbug.
Performance will take place in the Ballroom Marquee (seated and unallocated) and the bar will be open throughout the evening. The venue is fully accessible and free parking is available onsite.
Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start.